Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Difference Between Regular Friends and Mike

Friends: Never ask for anything to eat or drink
Mike: Helps himself and is the reason why you have no food

Friends: Call your parents by Mr. and Mrs.
Mike: Calls your parents dude and dude

Friends: Would bail you out of jail
Mike: Is the reason you are in jail

Friends: Have never seen you cry
Mike: Makes you cry

Friends: Borrow your stuff for a few days then gives it back
Mike: Will deny ever having your stuff and then pawn it for some cash

Friends: Only know a few things about you
Mike: Could care less

Friends: Will be there to take your drink away from you when they think you've had enough
Mike: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say "What a dumb ass"

Friends: Helps you up when you fall
Mike: Will start laughing when you fall

Friends: Will offer you a soda
Mike: Will make you get him a soda

Friends: Gives you their umbrella in the rain
Mike: Takes your umbrella and says, "Run bitch run"

Friends: Will help you move
Mike: Will supervise you move

Friends: You have to tell them not to tell anyone
Mike: Will tell someone the minute you leave

Friends: Are only for a short time
Mike: Is for life

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

F*ck You!

This video says it all.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Stories From The Past

I am currently reading a book called Mexican Americans & World War II. One of my uncles, a dean at a local community college, gave me this book, from his collection, to read.

During a visit with my uncle, my mom was with me, the topic of the past came up, as it usually does when family gets together. My uncle's, aunts, and mom were born either right before or right after the second World War.

My uncle tells me many of his stories of the hardships and discrimination that he and his family went through during those years and the many years after. Hardships including the whole family traveling out of state to work as a pickers on a farm at a young age and discrimination including being refused service at a diner for being Mexican-American.

He tells me of a time when were forced to go to the bathroom in the woods near a restaurant because they were not allowed inside of the restaurant.

My mom adds her stories of discrimination that she remembers.

Toward the end of our visit, my uncle gave me the book and said it was something that I should read. The book is a collection of letters and essays written by those who have either lived through that time or interviewers of those people.

As I read the stories and letters in this book, I tend to imagine my mom and her family during that time. Growing up with almost no discrimination towards me, it's easy to forget and really sad to think of what my mom and her family (and other Mexican-Amercians) have gone through growing up.

I think this is a book that all Mexican-Americans not raised at that time should read, especially the youth of today.

Done, bye

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Opening Ceremonis........really......

Friday was the opening ceremonies for the Winter Olympics. Was it just me or was it kinda boring? I did like the beginning part with the celebration of the Canadian aboriginals and then the parade of nations. However, the rest of it was just so boring. I actually caught myself falling asleep.

There was also the unfortunate training accident that took the life of 21 year old Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili. This was great cloud of sadness that hovered over the opening ceremonies.

The games started on Saturday and I did watch some of them including ski jumping and speed skating. I don't have any particular event that I am interested in, so I will be checking in from time to time to see what event is going on.

Happy Valentine's Day and I hope you had a great weekend! Bye

Monday, February 8, 2010

That Game With The Guys And The Ball

How about guys teams......whatever.

Just kidding. I know who was playing in the big game. Did you watch it? I did. I'm not a big football fan, but I always end up watching the Super Bowl. Lets be honest, I really only watch to see the so called awesome commercials and maybe watch the game in between them.

Anyways, I was invited to a cookout at my uncle's place for the game. It was nice. Spent time with family, had great food (that I cooked), and cheered for our team. I don't usually have a favorite team. I just pick one at the start of the game and root for that team.

Today I picked the winning team. But mostly because that's the team my uncle was rooting for. So, how about them Saints. Was that a great game or what!

On to the commercials

The commercials, in my opinion, were very disappointing this year, especially from Budweiser. My favorites as you can see below were from Doritos.

Here are the very few that I did like.

Snickers with Betty White and Abe Vigoda

Doritos Snack Attack Samurai

Doritos House Rules

Doritos Underdog

What were your favorite commercials?

OK Bye

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Pink Gamer

If you are here reading this, then you might have noticed the change in color of my blog page. In honor of February and that candy, hearts, and flowers day, I decided to go the pinkish redish whatever route. I think it looks nice.

The current game that I have been playing is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. I usually play online on xbox live. At some times I do really good, and other times I really suck at it.

Anyways, I recently found two websites that cater to us gamers in the GLBT community. They are and They are really cool sites and have lots of members. I recently started gaming with a few of the guys from there and it's really cool. I even found a MW2 Clan that was out there for gaymers.

If any of you are on XBox Live, make sure and add me to your friends list. My GamerTag is GMikeD.

Done, Bye

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I had a piece of chuck roast in the fridge that had been thawing out and really did need to be cooked before it went bad. I decided to make it last night so it could be ready for lunch time. I asked one of my friends for a good recipe and she gave me one that she uses all the time. Of course I did not have all the necessary ingredients, so I just threw together what I did have.

I got the chuck roast and liberally seasoned it with a seasoning mix and a bit of cumin. I placed it in the crock pot and tossed in some sliced onions, some baby bell peppers and some beef stock. Turned the pot on low and let it cook.

It cooked for about 10 hours. I started it at 230am and by lunch time it was tender, falling apart and delicious.

I used the meat in a sandwich and it was goooood. You can also put the meat in a tortilla and call it a versatile. Don't forget to save and use the gravy, yummy.

Ok, I'm done with this post. bye

Hey Stranger

Wow, It has been a really long time since the last time I posted an entry. I do not really have any excuses for not blogging except for just being lazy. Yup, I will admit it. So what. Get over it! I'm sure all my readers really missed me......

So, you guys, what is the 411? What has everybody been up to? What is the hot gossip? What are you guys listening to? What's the cool jams?

Update on my life:

My back pain has gone down quite a bit. I never did have back surgery. With time, physical therapy, and lots of pain pills (not really lots) the pain has gone down. I wouldn't say that I am back to 100%. I probably will never be back to 100% but I have accepted that and am doing what I can with what I have.

I have finished school, got my degree, and can't find a job. What I am thinking of doing is going back to my old job, if they take my back, while I look for a job in my field.

My Etsy shop is still closed. Maybe within the next couple of months I will be able to reopen it. Yay!!!

Besides all that crap, I am doing ok.

I leave you with this classic clip